Have you ever found yourself wondering “What is Yoga” beyond the physical postures?


Today, I am going to talk about what Yoga is by definition.

In addition, I would like to share some examples of my journey and how I define it based on my experience.


Do you avoid going to the gym or dislike working out in front of other people?


Are you struggling to find motivation to exercise?


Have you wondered what alternatives there are to traditional exercise sessions?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, Yoga may be right for you.


The Story of How I Found Yoga

On a daily basis, I was experiencing massive pain from the ergonomics of my job as a hairstylist. As a result of this, I knew I needed to do something different.

However, working out at a gym horrified me. For instance, all the machines were intimidating and the place felt very unwelcoming.


One day as I was walking home from work, I noticed they offered yoga classes at that gym next door.


Stemmed from a place of curiosity and desperation I decided to sign up. They had all different kinds of classes, from deep stretch to power vinyasa yoga.


I thought to myself, “Yoga is just stretching, how hard can that be?” So, I signed up for the hot power vinyasa class.


Oh my, was I in for a surprise! That class seriously kicked my ass. The class was nowhere close to easy stretching as I had imagined.


First of all, it was HOT. A consistent 92 degrees hot. The room was packed! People were sweating like crazy and all their sweat was dripping off their mats onto the floor, it was intense.


Secondly, we were moving FAST.


During class, we were moving at the pace of one breath per movement for 50 minutes.


The teacher was saying, “Up, down, lunge, plank, virabhadrasana” as I thought to myself, “What?!?”


Meanwhile, she continued on, “Plank, lunge, crow, hold.” I felt like it might never end.


Throughout the duration of class I was completely lost. So, I began observing other people in the class trying to make sense of what to do.


Meanwhile, I realized how out of shape I was and I did not like that feeling.


As a result, thoughts of anger began to arise towards the teacher for calling so many planks.


Murmuring these frustrated thoughts in my head almost the entire time. Upon the time class entered into the cool-down period, the angry thoughts began to subside greatly. Therein which lie a new experience, a new feeling I was unfamiliar with.


A New Perspective Arises

The teacher called out for Savasana and turned all the lights down low playing some soothing music. Lying there dripping in sweat, I felt relieved, elated, inspired, motivated, curious, at peace, full of wonder as well as connected to myself.

The moment I walked outside, it felt like i was experiencing the sensation of wind for the first time. I noticed the birds chirping, and the swaying of the trees. Subsequently, there were no more thoughts of how out of shape I was nor the lingering anxiety nor frustration.


The feeling was intoxicating. A new way of existing that I did not know was possible.


Thus began my journey to the question;


What is Yoga?

According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary, Yoga is defined as:

1: a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in order that the self may realize its distinction from them and attain liberation.


2: a system of physical postures, breathing techniques, and sometimes meditation derived from Yoga but often practiced independently especially in Western cultures to promote physical and emotional well-being.


Yoga comes from the root word; to yoke.  In other words, Yoga is the union of body, mind, and spirit and our individual connection to Divine Consciousness.


In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, he asks the question: What is Yoga? He then leads to an answer that is focused more on the mental state of being. Known as “chitta vritti nirodaha” meaning, “to calm the fluctuations of the mind.” 


My teacher explained that having thoughts are like the clouds in the sky, They are always there coming and going. You however are the sky, which holds the thoughts. You are not your thoughts, as they are merely inhabiting your mind.

Because if you are your thoughts….then who is listening to them?


Yoga now becomes much more than simply “doing” a few poses or trying to reach a physical goal.


It becomes the pathway and the compass of discovering your true essence, letting go of ego, liberation from suffering, and connecting to the Divine.


Below I have listed what Yoga has revealed itself to to to me. This list is based on my training, research, personal experience, and my shared experience with others.


Connection to the Divine













Asana (Posture)









A Few of the Many Benefits of Yoga

Quickly I discovered that yoga was an unlimited exploration of myself and the world around me.

It is a challenge to uncover some things that we bury throughout our life. Similarily including the conditioning/programming we have received as children.


Firstly, it is important to remember, this work is never “done.”


Secondly, there is certainly no destination to “reach.”


We are always moving, always exploring and always learning about our true nature.


Therefore, Yoga provides the tools to do this exploration most effectively along with the support of a strong foundation.


Through dedicated practice, yoga uncovers  the resources within to gain confidence in ourselves.

The practice guides us towards our ability to turn obstacles into oppurtunities for growth and deeper understanding of ourselves and each other.


May Yoga serve as a guide to live by design  as we discover ways to live a better life.


Thank you for reading my interpretation of yoga.


I hope you have gained some insight and inspiration as you continue your exploration through this journey.

I’d love to know what yoga has defined itself for you.


Feel free to connect by leaving a comment below!

Infinite Love to YOU <3


